If you're anything like me, you might feel a sense of dread when you open your computer these days. It’s a delicate balance, trying to stay informed without being consumed by despair. Some days, I slip, regretting my decision to read yet another article about the state of our country.
As we navigate these trying times, it’s important to find our mantras wherever they appear. I’m finding solace in
’s beautiful words this week from her recent post.Yes, fear. Yes, grief. Yes, rage.
And also, leaning into discomfort. Leaning into lostness. Leaning into wobbliness. Leaning into uncertainty. Leaning into it with deep courage.Yes, rage. Yes, fear. Yes, grief. Yes, rage.
And also, neuroplasticity. The possibility of change. The capacity for things to become different, even if we don’t always see the outcome of it all.—Lisa Olivera Human Stuff
And this, but I don’t remember where I found this.
Not all storms come to disrupt your life,
some come to clear your path.
—author unknown
I’ll be working on something uplifting for Friday. Namaste my friends.
Your words and feelings are true for many of us. These are scary times. Send peace, love and light out into the world.
Namaste my friend.