Welcome, I’m Sue Ferrera, and I’m thrilled you have found your way to my awesome community. This is where we foster healing, acceptance and joy.

I am a certified yoga instructor. The adjective wayward serves as a reminder that the path is not always straight and narrow. More times than not, it is one step forward, two steps back, a mad dash, and then the occasional left turn down a dead-end road. But in the end, we have the power to arrive at our desired destination. 

About Subscribing

Twice a week, all subscribers get

  • Monday Morning Cup of Thoughts is a short post sharing something positive, humorous or nurturing, to begin the week. Each week is an opportunity to start anew.

  • Friday mornings are reserved for the deeper dive into healing, forgiveness, acceptance and joy, using nature, music, along with a bit of humor and yoga to enrich the journey.

To support independent writing, become a paid subscriber for the discounted annual price of $35. Your donations help make this newsletter possible. Namaste in advance for your support.

About Me

I am a memoir writer who has been dreaming about sharing my work on a larger scale since long before this platform existed. Who says dreams can't come true?

I share my personal, often intimate, and sometimes difficult life experiences, hoping you find your story in mine. I believe in embracing feelings because they hold our truth, which is where we must start the journey if we are to find peace and hope.

A few words from my readers

Sue tells inspiring stories and brings us lessons from the life around us. She may make us laugh or cry, but she always reminds us of the preciousness of life.

Sue's morning posts are (often) like a lovely cup of tea on a calm morning.

With her thoughtful, beautifully-written posts drawn from life experience Sue shares insights into aspects of our own that we'd all do well to explore. Tales of a Wayward Yogini provide empathy, understanding, joy and life-laughter: all such special gifts.

Subscribe to Tales of a Wayward Yogini

Fostering healing, acceptance and joy.


Never give up on discovering acceptance and joy. Sue Ferrera, creator of Tales of a Wayward Yogini, uses nature and forgiveness along with a bit of music and yoga to help you facilitate healing.