Welcome, I’m thrilled you have found your way to my awesome community. This is where we look at the bigger picture, the brighter picture.

I share my personal stories and use my experience as a former peer counselor to help you look at your own life and reflect on your challenges and healing. 

About Subscribing

Twice a week, all subscribers get

  • Monday Morning Cup of Thoughts is a short post where I share something positive, humorous or nurturing, to begin the week, words I’ve written or treasures from other great writers.

  • The Friday Post includes my long-form essay of the week.

If you support independent writing, become a paid subscriber for the discounted annual price of $35, or become a free subscriber. I donate a portion of all my paid subscriptions to supporting other Substack writers. It takes a community, and this talented community deserves our backing. Namaste in advance for your support.

You can also support my work by commenting and sharing my post link in Notes, with friends, or on your social media. You have no idea how far that reach can travel. And never underestimate the power of pressing the heart button. It feels like a virtual hug.

About Me

I am an essay/memoir writer who has been dreaming about sharing my work on a larger scale since long before a platform such as Substack existed. Who says dreams can't come true?

My stories are straightforward. I share my personal, often intimate, and sometimes difficult life experiences, hoping you find your story in mine. I believe in embracing my feelings because they hold my truth. I will never tell you I can heal you. I'm not qualified for that. I will do what I learned to do so many years ago as a peer counselor, share my stories, from happy to tragic and everything in between, along with the ways I've found peace and healing, and most importantly, work to keep hope alive for both you and me.

A few words from my readers

Sue tells inspiring stories and brings us lessons from the life around us. She may make us laugh or cry, but she always reminds us of the preciousness of life.

Sue's morning posts are (often) like a lovely cup of tea on a calm morning.

With her thoughtful, beautifully-written posts drawn from life experience Sue shares insights into aspects of our own that we'd all do well to explore. Tales of a Wayward Yogini provide empathy, understanding, joy and life-laughter: all such special gifts.

Examples of my writing

Tales of a Wayward Yogini
On the subject of crying
This is the first in a series of three posts. They will likely be slightly emotional… a misleading word for heavy. I've been writing these stories in my head since October. I…
Read more

Subscribe to Tales of a Wayward Yogini

Weaving inspirational stories of hope and healing into worthy personal essays.


Weaving inspirational stories of hope and healing into worthy personal essays. Join me as we explore the transformative power of words and human resilience.